Welcome to Dr Vu

Rosewood GP pracitice is glad to inform that Dr Tuan Vu has joined our team. Dr Vu has graduated from Griffith University with a Doctor of Medicine in 2016. He has previously worked at Ipswich Hospital where he has rotated through a variety of areas, and as a General Practitioner


Dr Saba

Dr Saba has announced his official retirement date. On Friday February 5th, Dr Saba will see his very last patient here at Rosewood General Practice. To help with the transition of your care to another GP at the clinic, we recommend making an appointment with Dr Saba to update your


ALERT!! as of 6pm TONIGHT Greater Brisbane

ALERT!! as of 6pm TONIGHT Greater Brisbane will be in a 3 day lockdown. Rosewood is included in this catchment. This will be untill 6PM Monday. We must all stay home and only leave for essentials 1. Healthcare 2. Essential shopping (groceries, medication) 3. Work or study if cannot be


Queensland Health

Do you know the F.A.S.T test? If you think someone might be having a stroke, ask the following questions . If you see any of the below symptoms, act quickly and call triple zero (000).  Face – Check their face. Has their mouth drooped?  Arms – Can they lift both


Have you met Kate?

Have you met Kate? If you have not seen Kate, you may have heard her! She loves to sing and often you will hear her singing with, or mostly without (!) the radio. If you book with Kate for a vaccine, you will get a free tune. Joining in is


Queensland Health

Gastro is a highly infectious condition, so washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds is an important way to reduce your risk. When it comes to gastro, it’s very important to keep unwell children at home. To stop gastro germs spreading further, children should not return