Have you met Kate?

Have you met Kate?
If you have not seen Kate, you may have heard her! She loves to sing and often you will hear her singing with, or mostly without (!) the radio. If you book with Kate for a vaccine, you will get a free tune. Joining in is optional, though recommended
Kate began her nursing career in Surgical at Sunnybank Hospital. Since then, she has moved to Aged Care, Community Care, and now we are lucky to have her with us at Rosewood General Practice!
Kate loves wounds!! She has a big heart and genuinely cares for others. She is passionate about empowering & educating others in their health journey. Kate is a firm believer in preventative maintenance, so get in touch for your checkup!
A little fun fact about Kate… she dreams of growing up to be a rally car driver!
When you see her bubbly smile, be sure to say hello! Or start singing – there is a 99.99% chance she will join in!